September 24 11am-2pm
How the Event Will Work:
Participants are asked to make a $10 suggested donation for one Shop N Stroll ticket
Each ticket will give participants a "Stroll N Win" card, which lists all 25+ participating businesses, and where participants can collects stamps.
Participants who have at least 10 verified stamps will be eligible to enter a drawing for one (1) $500 prize and one of two (2) $100.00 prizes in Downers Grove Dollars certificates
Community Adult Day Center will provide one additional entry for all valid receipts showing purchases made at participating businesses on Sept. 24 during the Shop N’ Stroll.
This year, there will be a Post-Event Party from 2-3 pm at Orange and Brew where participants can drop off completed Stroll N Win cards, have a beverage, and obtain prizes.
You may buy a ticket two ways:
1.) Purchase and pick up a ticket from our registration table at the corner of Main and Grove St. outside of Emmet's brewing Co. on the day of the event
2.) Purchase a ticket at the link below. Then, on the day of the event, pick up the ticket from our registration table at the corner of Main and Grove St. outside of Emmet's brewing Co.
You may buy a ticket here for a suggested donation price of $10.
Please note on the Paypal form that this is for Shop N Stroll.
You will NOT receive a ticket now, please come to our registration table on the day of the event to pick up your ticket.