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A Day in the Life of CADC

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Community Adult Day Center Welcomes You
Making Great Moments Everyday Since 1986
Who We Are
Our Roots
Community Adult Day Center is a nonprofit organization that has been part of the Downers Grove Community since 1986. Our roots were planted by eleven churches that believed that seniors were happiest when they were involved in purposeful activities that kept them active members of the community. The belief that it is important to care for the whole person, the mind, body, and spirit were embedded in all services offered.
Today, that belief continues to guide our programs. We offer therapeutic activities that are geared towards stimulating the mind, waking up the physical body and refreshing the spirit. We continue to serve seniors who no longer should be home alone during the day, and we specialize in helping our members and their families navigate the journey through a dementia diagnosis.
From our simple beginnings as a place to offer a caring environment for seniors, we have become a Center for innovative, therapeutic activities where our members come for fun, unique experiences, and cognitive stimulation.
Great Moments Are Here!
Everyday our Person Centered Care Specialists engage our Members in lively conversation in our holistic environment, Exergaming activities that focus on human interaction with technology in our Magic Forest Room, and many other wellness focused therapeutic activities.
In addition, CADC offers guest musicians, pet therapy, and seasonal celebrations.
“The longer I live
the more beautiful
life becomes.”
- Frank Lloyd Wright

Contact Community Adult Day Center
4501 Main St, Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 968-1060